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Security Planning and Design Part 2: Understanding Threats, Hazards, and Security Design Concepts
Part 2 of this series examines threats driving the need for security planning and design in buildings...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Security Planning and Design Part 5: Building Security Techniques
This course profiles available security equipment and systems for surveillance, detection, and access control functions in buildings...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Security Planning and Design Part 6: Biochemical and Radiological Building Protection
This course presents concepts and technologies for protecting people in buildings from the effects of chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) contamination, including response strategies for HVAC and potable water systems...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Security Planning and Design Part 7: Security and Emergency Operations
This course looks at both security and emergency preparedness in building operations so that design professionals can better anticipate the implications of design decisions on these aspects of building use...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Security Planning and Design Part 8: Putting Security into Practice
This course provides practical advice about security considerations in both the business operations and project delivery aspects of architecture practice...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h 15m
Planning for Sustainable Development Part 1
To effectively plan for and implement sustainable development requires a clear understanding of the organizing principles for meeting human development goals while sustaining the natural systems and resources of the environment...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h 15m
Planning for Sustainable Development Part 2: Case Studies
To effectively plan for and implement sustainable development requires a clear understanding of the organizing principles for meeting human development goals while sustaining the natural systems and resources of the environment...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Security Planning and Design Part 4: Building Hardening
This course explains concepts for making buildings more resistant to the effects of ballistic attacks, forced entry, and explosions...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Security Planning and Design Part 3: Security Planning and Evaluation
This part of the series highlights the assessment process used to define security needs...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Predesign Planning Part 1
One of a series of ten courses about the reasons to conduct and methods to accomplish effective predesign planning in architecture, this course discusses the various approaches to predesign planning used over the years...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Predesign Planning Part 2: Values and Architecture
One of a series of ten courses about the reasons to conduct and methods to accomplish effective predesign planning in architecture, this course discusses the importance of discovering strongly held values as a beginning point for predesign planning...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h
Predesign Planning Part 3: Project Planning
This course is one of a series of ten courses about the reasons to conduct and methods to accomplish effective predesign planning in architecture to identify client goals, user and community needs, and codes and regulations...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Predesign Planning Part 6: Diagnostic Observation
One of a series of ten courses about the reasons to conduct and methods to accomplish effective predesign planning in architecture, this is the third of five courses focusing on methods used in predesign planning...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Predesign Planning Part 7: Questionnaires and Surveys
This is the fourth of five courses focusing on methods used in predesign planning...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h 15m
Predesign Planning Part 8: Work Sessions
This course is one of a series of ten courses about the reasons to conduct and methods to accomplish effective predesign planning in architecture to identify client goals, user and community needs, and codes and regulations...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h 30m
Predesign Planning Part 9: Site and Climate
One of a series of ten courses about the reasons to conduct and methods to accomplish effective predesign planning in architecture, this course shows how to use the value-seeking and information-gathering methods described in the previous courses to conduct a comprehensive analysis of site and climate for a project...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Predesign Planning Part 10: Predesign Plan
One of a series of ten courses about the reasons to conduct and methods to accomplish effective predesign planning in architecture, this course discusses how to develop and present a final predesign plan...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 3h 15m
Predesign Planning Part 5: Diagnostic Interviews
This is the second of five courses focusing on methods used in predesign planning...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Predesign Planning Part 4: Publications and Records
This course covers the techniques and tools used to gather information from publications and records to identify the values and needs pertinent to the building design...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Improving Building Performance Part 2: Planning, Conducting, & Applying the POE
Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) examines the performance of a building in a comprehensive manner, addressing health, safety, security, and functionality, as well as social, psychological, and cultural appropriateness...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h
Historic Preservation Part 1: What Is Historic Preservation?
The primary purpose of “What Is Historic Preservation?” is to discuss the history of the historic preservation movement in the United States and present an overview of the processes and programs that have been developed over the years to integrate historic and existing buildings into the architectural field...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 3h
Historic Preservation Part 3: How to Plan, Design, & Construct the Preservation Project
Whether it is a house museum, a residence, a courthouse, or a church, every building must be safe to enter, use, and exit...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Designing to Mitigate Wildfire Damage to Residential and Commercial Buildings
Wildfire damage mitigation has become increasingly important as wildfires themselves steadily increase in frequency, size, and ferocity, putting more communities, buildings, and lives at risk...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Security Planning and Design Part 1: Security in the Built Environment
This course explores contextual issues for security at regional, community, and local levels...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Designing to Mitigate Flood Damage to Residential and Commercial Structures
Floods are currently the most common and costly of all-natural disasters in the US and they continue to increase in frequency, severity, location, and cost...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Fire Safety in Buildings Part 3: Managing the Fire
This course investigates how architects can influence one aspect of the fire safety concepts tree: managing the fire...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Fire Safety in Buildings Part 5: Case Studies
This course presents case studies analyzing the causes and factors in the severity of fires in three different types of buildings: the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, a New York City apartment building, and The Station nightclub in Rhode Island...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Fire Safety in Buildings Part 2: Preventing Ignition
This course describes the fire-safety concepts tree and zeros in on one branch: preventing ignition...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Fire Safety in Buildings Part 4: Managing the Exposed
This course explores fire safety in buildings by investigating one aspect of the fire safety concepts tree: managing the exposed...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Fire Safety in Buildings Part 1: Fire Behavior and Fire Department Operations
This course introduces the topic of fire safety in buildings by explaining the fire triangle, transfer of heat, and fire development in an enclosed space...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Wind Forces Part 1: The Nature of Wind & Its Implications for Buildings
While advances in technology have led to expanded code requirements and greater client expectations for building performance, the unexpectedly high pressures associated with wind forces often result in extensive building failures...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Wind Forces Part 2: Wind Effects & Procedures for Wind-Resistant Design in Practice
While wind pressure typically develops on the surfaces of any obstruction placed in the path of the flow, the distribution of pressure on any surface of the obstruction varies, and the variation depends on the size, shape, and proportion of the obstruction...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Wind Forces Part 3: Concepts & Descriptive Examples of Building Design for Wind
Buildings can be considered an assembly of parts or components...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Wind Forces Part 4: Improving Building Wind Resistance & Stabilization
While architects cannot alter unexpectedly high wind pressures, building connection details and their strength can be considered within the architect’s scope and control...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Wind Forces Part 5: Wind Pressure Analysis, Strengthening Buildings, & Practical Considerations
For existing buildings that are found to have wind resistance deficiencies, there is often no easy way of correcting the deficiencies without damaging finishes...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Architectural Acoustics Illustrated Part 2: Room Acoustics Qualities
The study of architectural acoustics is a three‐dimensional endeavor. Presented here are the qualities of room acoustics that are essential to understand and address from the earliest stages of design, for optimal speech intelligibility and music listening...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h
Architectural Acoustics Illustrated Part 3: Room Acoustics
The study of architectural acoustics is itself an act of architecture. This course addresses the priorities necessary to design good rooms for listening, including considerations to avoid acoustic defects and design checklists for unamplified music halls as well as other room types where good acoustics are essential...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Architectural Acoustics Illustrated Part 4: Noise Control: Sound Isolation Principles & Airborne Measures
Airborne sound transmission between rooms or from outside of a building is often perceived as unwanted noise. The principles of sound isolation are introduced here, with a focus on techniques to reduce flanking noise and achieve higher acoustical privacy...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Architectural Acoustics Illustrated Part 5: Noise Control: Background Noise & Door and Window Sound Isolation
A century’s worth of research into the effects of noise has found that long‐term exposure to loud sounds contributes to hearing loss; those who sleep in noisier environments are more prone to heart disease; and subjects suffer cognitively when assigned to tasks that involve careful listening in noisy environments...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Architectural Acoustics Illustrated Part 6: Noise Control: Impact Noise & Community Noise
Impact noise transmitted directly to the building structure is particularly annoying to building occupants, and unless it is accounted for in the initial design, is difficult to correct. Excessive community noise is common, a source of great annoyance, and a danger to human health, ranking as the greatest single source of dissatisfaction related to where people live...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Architectural Acoustics Illustrated Part 7: Noise Control: Mechanical System Noise
If there were one rule that would net the greatest acoustical yield in the built environment, it might well be, “Maintain ample separation between machines and occupied spaces.” Not only mechanical noise, but plumbing noise, as well, can create a high degree of annoyance to occupants...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Mold and Moisture Prevention Part 1: Key Issues Related to Mold and Moisture Intrusion
An alarming number of new buildings suffer from moisture and mold problems, which are a risk to occupants’ health, safety, and welfare...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Mold and Moisture Prevention Part 2: Schematic Design
The schematic design phase is generally considered to include approximately 30 percent of the project design and offers the best opportunity to prevent future moisture and mold problems...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Mold and Moisture Prevention Part 3: Design Development
During design development, building systems that can help avoid mold problems are selected, construction moisture control guidelines for the builder are provided, and operational requirements to minimize mildew potential are determined...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Mold and Moisture Prevention Part 4: Final Design, Construction, Postconstruction, and Assessment
The importance of decisions that can help prevent future mold and moisture problems extends through all stages of building design and construction...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Building Envelopes Part 1: History and Types
This course is one of a series of eight CE courses on building envelopes that offers a critical framework and vocabularies for architectural technology, with a special emphasis on the design and construction of the building envelope...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Building Envelopes Part 2: Design Perception and Construction Methods/Systems
This course is one of a series of eight CE courses on building envelopes that offers a critical framework and vocabularies for architectural technology, with a special emphasis on the design and construction of the building envelope...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Building Envelopes Part 3: Material Selection
This course is one of a series of eight CE courses on building envelopes that offers a critical framework and vocabularies for architectural technology, with a special emphasis on the design and construction of the building envelope...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Building Envelopes Part 4: Envelope Performance
This course is one of a series of eight CE courses on building envelopes that offers a critical framework and vocabularies for architectural technology, with a special emphasis on the design and construction of the building envelope...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h 15m
Building Envelopes Part 5: Advanced Energy Strategies
This course is one of a series of eight CE courses on building envelopes that offers a critical framework and vocabularies for architectural technology, with a special emphasis on the design and construction of the building envelope. The goal of this series is to develop a means by which designers can create and innovate building envelopes and energy-efficient buildings...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Building Envelopes Part 6: Complex Geometry and Fluid Forms
This course is one of a series of eight CE courses on building envelopes that offers a critical framework and vocabularies for architectural technology, with a special emphasis on the design and construction of the building envelope...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Building Envelopes Part 7: Building Envelope Case Studies
This course is one of a series of eight CE courses on building envelopes that offers a critical framework and vocabularies for architectural technology, with a special emphasis on the design and construction of the building envelope.
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Building Envelopes Part 8: Responsive Building Envelopes
This course is one of a series of eight CE courses on building envelopes that offers a critical framework and vocabularies for architectural technology, with a special emphasis on the design and construction of the building envelope.
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Subsurface Conditions Part 3: Foundations & General Site Development
Soil and subsurface water conditions affect the design and performance of building projects...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Subsurface Conditions Part 4: Site Development Considerations & Management of Site Materials
Soil and subsurface water conditions affect the design and performance of building projects...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Subsurface Conditions Part 2: Soil Properties, Behaviors, Classification, & Identification
Soil and subsurface water conditions affect the design and performance of building projects...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Subsurface Conditions Part 1: Basic Concerns, Design Information, & Division of Responsibilities
Soil and subsurface water conditions affect the design and performance of building projects...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Sustainable Design Part 2: Integrated Design
The integrated design process is a key strategy in designing and constructing buildings that are healthier for occupants, have a lower impact on the environment, and protect public welfare...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Sustainable Design Part 3: Performance Metrics (Part A)
The primary purpose of “Performance Metrics for Sustainable Design” is to explore what building designers can do to reduce the impacts of building construction and operation on the environment...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h
Sustainable Design Part 4: Performance Metrics (Part B)
The primary purpose of “Performance Metrics for Sustainable Design” is to explore what building designers can do to reduce the impacts of building construction and operation on the environment...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h
Historic Preservation Part 2: What Is Historic?
We preserve buildings to tell our stories, provide continuity in our culture, and stabilize our structures for public safety...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h 45m
Historic Preservation Part 4: Economics & Sustainability
The primary purpose of “Economics and Sustainability” is to examine preservation in the 21st century as it becomes more relevant and mainstream...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h
Historic Preservation Part 5: Modern Heritage, Social Justice, Equity, & Inclusion
The past several decades have seen discussions of why preserving modern heritage is different from traditional heritage and how addressing systemic racial and social injustices is key to telling the full American story...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Architecture to Calm the Unseen Trauma of Combat Veterans
The way in which combat veterans perceive their postdeployment environment is impacted by their training and military experiences...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Living, Regenerative, and Adaptive Building Design Strategies
Living, regenerative, and adaptive design incorporates interrelated, innovative concepts that challenge traditional building paradigms and even standards for sustainable design...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Spotlighting Social and Environmental Attributes to Enhance Preliminary Design
This course explores and illuminates the design process, from orchestrating stakeholder participation to finalizing schematic designs...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h 30m
Preventing Suicide Falls: A Primer for Architects
The structures architects design and bring to life offer joy to clients, building occupants, and the public...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h 30m
Practice Management: Strategies for Enhancing Public Welfare and Service Delivery
This course focuses on practice management from the perspective of supporting both public welfare and client interests through enhanced service delivery...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h
Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness, Course 1: Indoor Air Quality Overview
The course “Indoor Air Quality Overview” is the first of six courses in the learning program, “Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness.”...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h
Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness, Course 2: Building Design
The course “IAQ & Building Design” is the second of six courses in the learning program, “Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness.”...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h
Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness, Course 4: IAQ in Practice - Building Materials and Finishes
The course “IAQ in Practice – Building Materials and Finishes” is the fourth of six courses in the course series, “Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness.”...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h
Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness, Course 5: IAQ in Practice - Building Moisture
The course “IAQ in Practice - Building Moisture” is the fifth of six courses in the learning program, “Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness.”...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h
Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness, Course 6: IAQ in Practice - Building Case Studies
The course “IAQ in Practice - Building Case Studies” is the final of six courses in the learning program, “Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness.”...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h
Effective Termite Protection for Multifamily & Commercial Wood Buildings: Techniques for Keeping Wood-Frame Buildings Pest-Free
Worldwide, there are more than 2,000 termite species, and forty-five can be found in the US...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Seismic Mitigation Part 1: Earthquakes and Their Effects
Earthquakes can cause immense structural and nonstructural damage to buildings and injury to the occupants of these buildings...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Seismic Mitigation Part 2: Seismic Vulnerability of Buildings and Sites
Earthquakes can cause immense structural and nonstructural damage to buildings and injury to the occupants of these buildings...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 3h
Seismic Mitigation Part 3: Design for Better Seismic Response
The forensic investigation of buildings and infrastructure has been extensively conducted by engineers, architects, and scientists after every recent major earthquake that has impacted the built environment...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Seismic Mitigation Part 4: Design for Better Seismic Response
While the traditional approach to seismic mitigation focused on strengthening building resistance, in recent times more advanced techniques have tended to focus on reducing the level of earthquake-related stress placed on buildings...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Seismic Mitigation Part 5: Improving on Existing Construction & Mitigation of Seismic Forces
Ongoing research and experience from recent seismic events have added to the store of knowledge that allows architects to address problems in the design of new buildings...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 45m
Seismic Mitigation Part 6: Managing Design and Construction, and Design Resources
The design of complex objects involving many people and functions requires careful management if progress is to be made toward a successful conclusion...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Designing to Model Nature: Applying the Concepts of Biomimicry
As design professionals seek more creative and effective solutions to new challenges that arise as the world continues to change and evolve, biomimicry can be the source of inspiration to inform and expand the design process...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Adaptive Reuse: An Environmentally and Socially Beneficial Alternative to New Construction
Adaptive reuse is becoming increasingly common because it not only preserves important historical features of existing buildings but is also inherently sustainable...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 2h
Options for Brick Veneer
With growing interest in taller wood-frame buildings—many with five stories of wood on podiums and with wood-frame mezzanines—there has also been interest in the use of brick veneer at greater heights...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 30m
Right to the City: Equity, Sustainability, and Single-Family Zoning, Part 1
Growing US cities face escalating housing costs, residential and commercial displacement, homelessness, and the suburbanization of poverty...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Right to the City: Equity, Sustainability, and Single-Family Zoning, Part 2
Growing US cities face escalating housing costs, residential and commercial displacement, homelessness, and the suburbanization of poverty...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Barrier-Free Design and the 2010 ADA Standards
The reader of this course receives a quick refresher on the history of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the current 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, as well as the approach for the design professional to use in meeting the requirements of the 2010 Standards in any given project...
Level: Intermediate
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 30m
Accommodating Shrinkage in Multistory Wood-Frame Structures
In wood-frame buildings of three or more stories, cumulative shrinkage can be significant and have an impact on the function and performance of finishes, openings, mechanical/electrical/plumbing (MEP) systems, and structural connections...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness, Course 3: IAQ in Practice - Building Systems and Activities
The course “IAQ in Practice – Building Systems and Activities” is the third of six courses in the learning program, “Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness.”...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h
Introduction to Mass Timber
Mass timber (MT) framing has emerged as an increasingly popular option for construction projects across the United States...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h
Why Buildings Fail Part 2: Fundamental Errors at the Outset of a Project
The design professional is faced with the tremendous challenge of anticipating, predicting, and mitigating against all possible modes of failure...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h 15m
Improving Building Performance Case Studies Part 3: Deer Park Junior/Senior High School Career Academy
While investigative postoccupancy evaluations (POEs) tend to require more planning and resource allocation than indicative POEs, they often provide a more detailed and comprehensive approach to evaluating building performance...
Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
Duration: 1h
Climate Action Part 2: Leading on Climate Action Through Adaptation and Mitigation
Listen to an episode of the Practice Disrupted podcast with hosts Evelyn Lee and Je’Nen Chastain to earn 1.5 LUs in HSW continuing education...
Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
Duration: 1h 30m