
Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness, Course 6: IAQ in Practice - Building Case Studies

Level: Introductory
Format: Multimedia
CE Info: 1.00 HSW LU
Contact Info: Customer Service (


The course “IAQ in Practice - Building Case Studies” is the final of six courses in the learning program, “Indoor Air Quality for Architects: Design Buildings to Promote Health and Wellness.” This course is designed to educate architects on the most important and practical key points identified within the series by demonstrating, through a variety of case studies, the lessons taught throughout the first five courses. The course includes a review of fundamental indoor air quality concepts and their importance for human health and safety, examples to show how design can affect indoor air quality, the practical application of key concepts, and more.

1.0-1.5 LU Series Planning Sustainability

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