
Effective Termite Protection for Multifamily & Commercial Wood Buildings: Techniques for Keeping Wood-Frame Buildings Pest-Free

Level: Introductory
Format: Text-based
CE Info: 1.00 HSW LU
Contact Info: Customer Service (


Worldwide, there are more than 2,000 termite species, and forty-five can be found in the US. The key to effective termite prevention is making the building inhospitable to termites. This course focuses on how to design and construct wood-frame buildings for termite prevention and how to keep buildings insect-free over the long term. Intended for developers and design/construction teams, it covers building code requirements, best practices, control methods, costs, and ongoing maintenance. It emphasizes subterranean termites (including Formosans) and briefly covers drywood termites and other insects with the potential to cause damage.

1.0-1.5 LU Planning Wood

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